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Class Action

Join forces with us in class action lawsuits to address common grievances collectively. We represent plaintiffs in pursuing remedies for widespread injuries caused by the actions of corporations, organizations, or governments.

Related Cases

Carom v Bre-X Minerals Ltd, [2000] OJ No 4041 (ONCA)

Certification and common issues and preferable procedure.

Chadha v Bayer Inc., 63 OR (3d) 22 (ONCA)

Certification and price fixing affecting concrete brick and paving stones used in construction of homes.

Cassano v Toronto-Dominion Bank, 2007 ONCA 781

Common issues and damages.

Carom v Bre-X Minerals Ltd., 46 OR (3d) 315 (ONSC), 2011 ONCA 392

Certification and common issues.

Parsons v Ontario, 2015 ONCA 158

Motion for directions that motion judge could sit outside Ontario with other supervisory judges.

Mancinelli v Barrick, 2016 ONCA 571

Carriage dispute in a class action.

Hodge v Neinstein, 2017 ONCA 494

Proposed class proceeding against law firm for breach of s. 28.1 of the solicitors act.

Berg v Canadian Hockey League, 2017 ONSC 5382

Costs of certification motion and one defendant class successful in avoiding certification of class proceeding and another defendant class unsuccessful in avoiding certification of class proceeding.

Das v George Weston Ltd., 2017 ONSC 5583

Costs of unsuccessful plaintiff class and most serious industrial accident in world history and No duty of care in negligence to employees of foreign suppliers despite exercise of audit rights.

Das v. George Weston Limited, 2018 ONCA 1053

Perell J. awarded the defendants costs of about $2.3 m in dismissing the class action. Court of Appeal reduced these costs by 30% because judge failed to appreciate the public interest component of the claim.

Broutzas v. Rouge Valley Health System, 2019 ONSC 559

Costs of unsuccessful plaintiff class after denial of certification motion and whether public interest in high profile privacy breach and novelty of legal issues warranted a no costs award.

Berg et al. v. Canadian Hockey League et al., 2019 ONSC 2106

On certification, the motion judge made his order with the intention that the U.S. Defendants’ costs were not to be paid by the Law Foundation of Ontario (“LFO”), in spite of the fact that the Plaintiffs had a litigation funding agreement with the LFO through the Class Proceedings Fund (“CPF”), which is responsible for adverse costs awards. Divisional Court found the costs owed to the U.S. Defendants should be paid by the LFO.

Welsh v. R, 2019 ONSC 4204

Class Proceeding Fund is entitle to 10% of the entire settlement funds whether or not the class chose to take up their entitlement.

Iovine v. Toronto Sun Wah Trading Inc., 2019 ONSC 7409

Defendants sought $750,000 in costs for an abandoned class action. Perell J. awarded $275,000.

Welsh v. Ontario 2020 ONCA 210

Court of Appeal confirmed that the plain language of 10)2 of Class Proceeding Fund O. Reg. 771/92 pf L.S.O. 1990, supports calculation of levy on entire settlement funds to which the class is entitled regardless of whether members chose to take up their entitlement.

Lavender v. Miller Bernstein LLP, 2020 ONSC 3859

Defendant claimed costs of $474,000 when class action was dismissed after defending it for 9 years. $68,000 awarded.

Laliberte v. Day, 2020 FCA 119

Appeal from Federal Court decision awarding carriage of proposed class action on behalf of Metis and Non-Status Indians affected by the Sixties Scoop. No reviewable error made.

Experienced. Strategic. Committed.

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