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Civil Procedure

Navigate the procedural aspects of civil litigation confidently with our civil procedure expertise. We guide you through the stages of legal proceedings, from initial filings to resolution, ensuring a streamlined and effective process.

Related Cases

1061590 Ontario Limited v Ontario Jockey Club, [1995] OJ No 132

Summary judgment and right to terminate agreement of purchase and sale.

Lumen v. Premier Electric Inc., 1998 CanLII 3247 (ON CA)

Grounds to set aside a settlement agreement.

National Bank of Canada v Royal Bank of Canada (1999), 44 OR (3d) 533 (ONCA)

Default judgment under Rule 19 of the Rules of Civil Procedure.

General Accident Assurance Co v Chrusz, [1999] OJ No 3291 (ONCA)

Evidence solicitor client privilege and litigation privilege and common interest privilege.

National Bank of Canada v. Royal Bank of Canada, 1999 CanLII 3733 (ON CA)

Conduct constituting civil contempt.

Rando Drugs Ltd. v Scott, 2007 ONCA 553

Allegation of judicial bias.

Windsor (City) v MFP Financial Services Ltd., [2004] OJ No 4877

Evidence and litigation privilege.

Johnson v Milton (Town), 2008 ONCA 440

Expert evidence.

Chainauskas Estate v Reed, 2009 ONCA 572

Reasonable apprehension of bias.

Expedition Helicopters Inc. v Honeywell Inc., 2010 ONCA 351

Conflict of laws and forum selection clause.

Groen v Harris, 2010 ONCA 621

Right to jury trial.

Pouget v Saint Elizabeth Health Care, 2012 ONCA 461

Striking out pleadings or allegations.

Locking v Armtec Infrastructure Inc., 2013 ONCA 331

Stay of action due to parallel proceeding.

Brisco Estate v Canadian Premier Life Insurance Co., 2012 ONCA 854

Evidence and corroboration and section 13 of the Ontario Evidence Act.

McCreight v Canada (Attorney General), 2013 ONCA 483

Striking claim for abuse of process.

Meady v Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp., 2015 ONCA 6

Exclusion of expert evidence.

Waldman v Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd., 2015 ONCA 53

Appeal of refusal to approve settlement of class action.

Westerhof v Gee Estate, 2015 ONCA 206

Expert evidence.

Best v Ranking, 2016 ONCA 492

Costs against solicitor personally.

Cannon v Cemcor Apartments Inc., 2017 ONCA 378

Reasonable apprehension of bias.

Dunk v. Kremer, 2018 ONCA 274

Court of Appeal upheld the trial judge’s determination not to declare a mistrial where plaintiff’s counsel’s address was inflammatory and she delivered a strong correcting charge.

Pichelli v. Kagalj, 2019 ONSC 168

Motion judge allows one summary judgment motion and dismissed another.

Pichelli v. Kagalj, 2019 ONSC 1371

Motion judge corrects error in his reasons which ignored the fact that one party did not participate in the motion.

Experienced. Strategic. Committed.

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